Thursday, February 25, 2010

a firmer introduction

I feel I am guilty of procrastination, which towards my own blog I realize sounds a bit silly, but hey, tough times call for self-gratifying measures. I had intended initially to open with a discussion on the general blogosphere/internet culturosphere, but then I got title anxiety, panicked, and ended up getting really fired up about punctuation. Anywho -- a shrewd friend of mine once pointed out to me, pardon the clumsy paraphrasing, "What makes your commentary on life so valid that I would take time to read it?" she said, her time being extremely important to her. Well shrewd friend, when you put it that way, it doesn't sound like much fun does it? Sounds a lot like people expressing their feelings publicly, thus selfishly, because they are sad and insecure and want people to like their thoughts -- you've made your point. I hope to one day live in a world where blogging will be remembered as a fad, and until that day comes I'm content to say I'm merely following a trend. Or maybe I could settle for blogging to one day acquire the association we have with jogging: fad when it came out, doesn't scream isolated cultural obsession as much as the cabbage patch, and today it's just kind of a thing. like any other thing. now i've lost the meaning of all this. to resume: blogs can be cool (eh?), and blogs can be the lamest of lame. they are little internet organisms, pets of the ponderous presupposing publisher. (oh yes, there will be alliteration. whenever i feel like it. you will accept this and you will like it.) because after all it's the internet. who really gives a hoot?

but now, onto more things, not about the internet, just kidding, always the internet. And google! I like playing games with google's feature where they fill in what they think you're searching for. For those of you who do not know what I'm talking about, even though I'm sure you all do, here is daniel tosh illustrating what i mean, along with the end of a funny bit about doves:

google is also a kind of global barometer, which is why it's interesting to run a search like this and see what it comes up with:
synonyms for love? good luck finding a definition that's not at least a few sentences if not an entire novel's worth of long. unless they mean the verb to love... in which case i concede.

this idea of teasing google first came to me when i read that the googs had eliminated all suggestions from the search: "Islam is ___" but had not for other maiores religiones. that's bizarre, thought i. the suggestions have since returned, and as you can see, there really isn't much difference in how google thinks we think about religions:
vs.For the record, I supplied that first search for christianity. saw it on a t-shirt, thought it was amusing. Also, don't expect me to talk often about religion or express my views on the hard-hitting issues. Don't want you to get that impression. In fact, in closing, another google search:
apparently a great many people are upset at being lied to by kim kardashian.

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